For Sellers

First Impressions Are Lasting

Make good first impressions. If you live in a single family home, please evaluate the exterior. Does you home have a good "curb appeal" to a buyer driving the area? Do you need some colorful plants, or some landscaping fill-ins? Keep lawn trimmed and edged and the yard free of
refuse. Make sure front walkway is swept. The front door greets the prospective buyer. Make sure that it is fresh, cleaned and scrubbed looking. Bulbs and lamp fixtures should look clean and in working order.

Let the Sun Shine In

Arrange shade of drapes to give maximum light. Turn every light on, even during the day. Replace all burned out bulbs. Let them see how cheerful your home can be.

Small Repairs Make A Big Difference

Loose knobs, sticking and squeaking doors and windows, warped cabinet drawers, badly cracked plaster and other minor flaws detract from home value. Have them fixed. Many buyers believe there will be ten problems they have not noticed for every one they do see.

Paint For A Quick Sale

Faded walls and worn woodwork reduce appeal. You cannot find a better investment when you are selling a house than a few cans of paint.

Make Closets Look Bigger

Neat, well ordered closets show space in ample. Remove all unnecessary accumulations from closets, garage and all rooms. Remove excess furniture. Your home will appear much larger than it actually is.

Is Your Age Showing?

Sometimes minor redecorating is recommended if certain elements of your home are dated and tired looking. Dark wood, shag carpet, foil and flock wallpaper, etc. can be a turnoff even when the rest of your house is terrific. I can suggest inexpensive and effective ideas to bring you a better sales price.

Pride Of Ownership Sells

Cleanliness attracts buyers. Put sparkle in your home and it will pay off. For special showings and open houses, colorful fresh flowers give a special touch and show the pride you have in your home have soft classical music in the background.

Show Off Your House

· Get rid of clutter

· Arrange furniture for an open feeling; too much furniture makes a room look smaller

· Flowers and plants add pretty touches to rooms

· Kitchen counter tops should be free from clutter; put small appliances out of sight

· Remove the "artwork" from the refrigerator door

· Clean fingerprints from light switches and woodwork

· A quick coat of paint works wonders. Use off-white; It does not offend anyone

· Organize the closets and cabinets; they will look bigger

· Bathrooms and kitchens should be sparkling clean

· Clean away mold and mildew from around bathroom tile and fixtures

· Clean Air-Conditioner Duct

· Fix loose doorknobs, drippy faucets, torn screens, etc.

· Take care of pet, cigarette, and cooking odors with:


Air spray

Bunches of eucalyptus

Clean carpet and deodorizer

Open windows and air out the house

Bake bread or cookies, etc.

There's A Crowd

Buyers prefer privacy when shown through a house. That includes pets as well. Whenever possible, never stay in your house with house hunters. The buyer will feel more relaxed. If it is necessary for you or your family members to stay, please don't discuss terms, price etc. Silence is golden. Be courteous and only answer questions when asked. Do not force conversation, stay away from them. Apologies should never be made for any adverse conditions in your home. It only emphasizes the defects. Please let me handle any objections or answering any questions. It is part of my job and training.

Reasonable Access

Please let me know where you can be reached and anytime you will not be in town or available for showing presentations. I will always call you with as much notice as I am given. If you need to reach me to change time and do not have all our numbers with you, just call the office and they will give them to you. We are open seven days and week and have voicemail after hours. In emergencies you can ALWAYS reach me at any day and hour.

Things to do just before your property is shown

· Open blinds, drapes and shades - let the light in

Turn lights on, especially in dark areas such as hallways and baths.

· Turn on air conditioning so house temperature is comfortable

· Open bedroom and bathroom doors

· Turn the TV off

· Turn loud music off; soft music on very low is nice

· Make the beds

· Dishes should be done

· Keep toilet seats closed

· Everything should be neat, clean and uncluttered

· Keep pets outside or out of the way

· And you, the Seller, should walk outside or run an errand. Buyers are more likely to share their true feelings without the Seller
being present.

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